6,0 km Boucle du bois de la Cornuère Departure point: school car park. Turn right towards the village centre. On the way out or on the way back, stop off in the heart of the village to vi... 1h 50min Easy 42min Easy Buckle Étival-lès-le-Mans
9,5 km Tour de Rouget Le Braconnier Take a walk and discover the natural riches of our two valleys... Let yourself be guided along a signposted itinerary, respecting the flora and fauna... 2h 30min Easy 57min Easy Buckle Notre-Dame-du-Pé
8,0 km Boucle Jamboisienne The Jambois loop at Saint-Jean-du-Bois 2h Easy 48min Easy Buckle Saint-Jean-du-Bois
6,0 km Boucle villageoise des vallées This trail starts at Voivres railway station, which has been in existence since 1863. You then follow the railway line along the CR 23 to the 4-metre... 2h Easy 36min Easy Buckle Voivres-lès-le-Mans
10,0 km Circuit les 3 clochers MOUNTAIN BIKE CIRCUIT This tour takes you through three communes: Brûlon, Avessé and Chevillé. 1h 25min Hard 3h 30min Hard Buckle Brûlon
7,0 km Boucle des 3 cantons The 3 cantons looping route at Fercé-sur-Sarthe 1h 45min Easy 42min Easy Buckle Fercé-sur-Sarthe
12,0 km Circuit La Futaie This path deserves its name because it allows you to explore the edges and heart of the Courcelles forest. 3h Easy 1h 12min Easy Buckle Mézeray
16,0 km Tour de la fontaine sans fond Let yourself be seduced by this bucolic tour, which will take you along roads, dirt tracks and sunken lanes. You'll discover a generous land of lush g... 4h Medium 1h 36min Medium Buckle Précigné
17,5 km Circuit des passerelles This tour will take you to three delightful villages with a wealth of heritage to discover. 4h 30min Medium 1h 45min Medium Buckle Longnes